Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Birthday Party

We had a great time at my birthday party this weekend. We played a kickball game, got pedicures and manicures and of course I got some awesome gifts. I had fun with all of my friends. Can't wait for summer and we can all hang out more and go swimming and play softball.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me (and Happy Easter)!

Well, we had our family over to the house to celebrate my birthday and have an Easter egg hunt. Jason and Robbie hid the eggs and Ryan, Katelyn, Davi, Brady and I found them. We had fun finding the eggs and then we grilled out. I'm having a few friends over this weekend for a small birthday party. It will be fun!

Easter Egg Hunt with Brady

We went to Presley's families farm for their annual Easter egg hunt and Brady and Tamara went too. We had a lot of fun and it was a really pretty day.